Last updated: 6 October 2023

Next review: 6 October 2024

If you are at risk of eviction and you have no alternative accommodation, please contact us as soon as possible as we may be able to help you find private rented accommodation, or we may be able to negotiate with your landlord.

If your landlord has issued me a notice or asked me to leave your home 

If you have an assured shorthold tenancy (AST) your landlord cannot: 

  • make you leave without giving you the appropriate notice 
  • when the notice expires, your landlord must go to court to get a court order 
  • you still do not have to leave the property after the court order expires 
  • your landlord will have to return to court to get a bailiff warrant before they can evict you 

What the Housing Options and Support service do

  • negotiate with your landlord to try and sustain the tenancy 
  • we may be able to help you find yourself new private rented accommodation 

It is important to note that even if your landlord has given you what they call a 'licence' agreement, you may still have tenant rights depending on your living arrangements at the property.  

If your landlord is pressurising you to leave

You have the right to stay in your home until your landlord issues you a full and proper notice
It is illegal for your landlord to: 

  • harass you, for example, by turning off the gas, electricity, or water, gaining access without reasonable notice or at unreasonable times 
  • lock you out of your home, even temporarily 
  • make you leave without a court order

Please get in touch with the Council for further advice on this matter.